Best Practices for Exemplary Online Instruction

Faculty who teach online, please refer to the Course Assessment Checklist & student evaluation documentation which are requirements to meet the State Authorization & Reciprocity Agreement (SARA). This assessment & evaluation WILL NOT be used for promotional review.

This course is based upon the “Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education” by Chickering, A. and Gamson, Z. In addition, portions of this information have been adapted from the Quality Online Course Initiative (QOCI) instrument, developed by members and staff at the Illinois Online Network, University of Illinois, Champaign, IL. Current review is being done to align the Course Assessment Checklist with the C-RAC Guidelines.

Questions about the “Black Hawk College Best Practices for Exemplary Online Instruction” guide may be directed to the Teaching & Learning Advisory Committee of the Faculty Senate or the Director of the Teaching & Learning Center & Online Learning at Black Hawk College

Purpose of this Guide

The items in “Best Practices for Exemplary Online Instruction” emphasize potential effective practices associated with teaching online, not a minimum set of standards or competencies and are not intended to be used for faculty promotion, review, or retention by the administration. They represent those teaching practices that appear in the best practices literature, including a variety of similar guides or standards developed by other colleges or resource centers devoted to online instruction. The guide can be used as:

  1. a source of specific suggestions for new online faculty as they design their courses
  2. a collaborative peer review tool that encourages dialogue among online faculty
  3. a framework for new online faculty training and support, as provided by the Teaching Learning
    Center or other support staff

List of Principles in Best Practices for Exemplary Online Instruction

  1. Encourages Student-Faculty Contact
  2. Develops Cooperation Among Students
  3. Encourages Active Learning
  4. Gives Prompt Feedback
  5. Emphasizes Time on Task
  6. Communicates High Expectations
  7. Respects Diverse Talents and Ways of Learning
  8. Employs an Effective Course Site Design

Examples of principles can be found in the "Online AA Degree Faculty Training" course.

Online AA Faculty Checklist

Check out this video:

Teaching Without Walls: 10 Tips for Online Teaching

Does it follow the best practices?

Course Assessment Checklist & Student Evaluation areas.

Course Summary:

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